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Coming along side others to process life and faith is a fulfilling part of my life, and this is exactly what I hope this book does for you. I trust as you read, you’ll sense my listening ear that relates with some of your own struggles as a believer, especially when it comes to rhythms that feel forced rather than grace-filled. There was a time when I was desperate to understand my own spiritual angst with daily devotions. I think many of you will relate to my journey and find the same freedom I have found to connect with God according to my natural rhythm. Unforced Rhythms will be a liberating read!

I’m so thankful for my husband, Dennis. His love for me, and his high belief in me, has made the past 40+ years of life an adventure that I would have never dreamed of. We have four children and eight grandchildren who add lots of joy and delight to our lives.